Thankful for today 7/26/12

Thank you Lord for helping me finish my first year of Charis Bible College. Thank you for your wisdom! Thank you for the call you have for all of us!
Thank you for clean running water...electricity...toilet paper...and baby wipes.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Stop the new agent orange! NOW!

This is about a chemical that Dow wants to use.  It is a part of Agent Orange.  Agent Orange killed my father in law when my husband was 15.  I never got to meet the man that my husband looks just like thanks to Agent Orange.  Please follow the link and tell the EPA to NOT allow this chemical to be used!
Sign the petition at the above link or paste this to your browser.

I am writing to urge you to deny Dow’s new use applications to register 2,4-D and/or glyphosate on “Enlist” genetically engineered 2,4-D-resistant corn and soybeans (Dockets EPA–HQ–OPP–2011–0835 and EPA–HQ–OPP–2012–0306). Use of 2,4-D in Enlist systems raises serious issues that fully justify EPA denial.

Dow’s Enlist systems would lead to a dramatic increase in usage of this toxic herbicide in American agriculture, with adverse impacts on human health, the environment, farmers’ welfare, and U.S. agriculture as a whole. Under FIFRA, EPA has a mandate to consider both environmental and economic costs in decisions about pesticides.

If approved for use on Enlist crops, 2,4-D would be used more frequently, at higher rates, on much greater acreage of cropland, and later in the season. Current overall agricultural usage of 2,4-D of 27 million lbs. per year would increase to well over 100 million lbs.

2,4-D exposure has been linked to numerous adverse health effects, including cancer (especially non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, reduced sperm counts, and birth anomalies in the children of exposed farmers. Increased use would exacerbate these impacts, particularly for exposed farmers.

Industry’s own tests show that 2,4-D is still contaminated with dioxins. In fact, 2,4-D is the seventh largest source of dioxins in the U.S. Although EPA recently set strict new dioxin exposure standards, it has not evaluated the health impacts of increased dioxin exposure from the massive increase in 2,4-D use anticipated with 2,4-D resistant crops.

2,4-D is a volatile herbicide that is prone to drift beyond the field of application to damage wild plants and crops. Current use of 2,4-D in agriculture already poses risks to several endangered species – the Pacific salmon, California red-legged frog and Alameda whipsnake – via adverse impacts on their habitat and prey.

EPA will soon begin a registration review of 2,4-D, the first since 2005. This review will give EPA the opportunity to assess Dow’s proposed uses in light of the issues raised above, the latest science on 2,4-D, as well as the EPA’s ongoing analysis of dioxin toxicity. The agency’s current decision specific to the Dow Enlist crops should be halted until the agency completes its wholesale registration review process for 2,4-D.

For all the above reasons, I urge you to deny Dow’s proposed registrations. At the very least, defer any decision until completion of EPA’s registration review of 2,4-D.

Tell the EPA NO here

Thank you!  And my children thank you!

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