Thankful for today 7/26/12

Thank you Lord for helping me finish my first year of Charis Bible College. Thank you for your wisdom! Thank you for the call you have for all of us!
Thank you for clean running water...electricity...toilet paper...and baby wipes.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

So Thankful for almost 22 years with my baby...

    ....hard to believe I got her almost 22 years ago, and just this past Saturday she went to be with the Lord.  It felt like yesterday when I brought her home, when I was just 14.
     Kemi was the best cat ever...she had no weird issues that made you want to get rid of her.  She was just fiesty enough and just independant enough to take care of her own, but she was loving and kind enough to make our house a home.

Not the best photo...but of her near her 21st birthday.  She was small but might indeed.
Before she had gotten herpes from an adopted cat from the animal shelter and her eyes got ulcers.  A couple of years ago.


I have more photos but they are all on disks and none are on this newer computer it seems.  I will have to take some time soon, maybe after the holidays, where I have more time, and make a memorial for her.  She was worth so much more.

    We had her remains cremated and she is now in my kitchen, overlooking the whole room.  Which is really not her style, she was a ground dwelling cat.  But if she is left near the ground the children might get into her.

No More

    It is so wonderful to know that I do not reap death when I sin.  I do not have to worry about being condemned or thrown away. The curses of Deuteronomy do not apply to I have been saved by God already.  I do not even have to put up with mildew...and the nasty allergy I had had to it before, any more.  Praise God for being so good and so just! 
    I do not have to be conscience of my sins either... I do not have to dwell and beat myself up...just focus on God and let Him flow through the kingdom of God is within me..and you, too :)   God is so good...the more I learn about how GOOD GOD IS, the more peace and the effects of grace* I have in my heart.   (This leads me to the next conclusion, that when it talks about in 1 Peter 1:2-3 that we will have grace and peace from our knowledge of God...then you take what the effects of grace are, you can look at 1 Cor. 12 and also all other times grace is used it bestows kindness, love, mercy...the core of who God is...and put them back into that verse, 1 Peter 1:2...and you have something even bigger...when you have a knowledge of God you have mercy, kindness, the ability to work miracles, words of wisdom, prophecy, speaking in diverse tongues, discerning of spirits, love, charity, and anything else that falls into the grace of God.  Because knowing what God has, and that He's in you, means all that God is...all that yummy goodness is within you, too!  Booyah!  )

Hebrews 10:2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.

Luke 17:21  Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

2 Peter 1:2-3 
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

* Grace effects are actually what most people call gifts of the spirit...there is a great article on it here,