I have a very good man for a husband. Is he perfect, no. Am I perfect, oh heck no...lol. I am having to figure out how to handle the way he handles some situations. For example, when he comes home and is not greeted the way he expects to be, he can get offended and then it can steam roll from there.
Today, for example, I had a mild headache and had been waiting all day to find out if I might even have a chance to get the number to the mental ward where my dear friend was at. I had not talked to my friend in 23 days, you see. I was sitting on the couch watching a show while playing with my son. I usually don't watch much tv. But thought I would for a little bit today. My husband came home, came in the living room, and started asking me questions about our daughter. So I answered him. And things just seemed to go downhill from there.
From there I was accused of being a b*tch ever since he had gotten home. But I don't see how. I was not all lovey dovey...but who is when you have a head ache and are preoccupied. It's not personal. I was never told hello or offered a hug. So I didn't disrespect him by not taking a hug or saying hello back. I just don't understand...after being married for so long...why would you get so upset if your partner doesn't jump up and down when you come in...does it not occur to you that they may be in pain, or have had a bad time, or moment? Why does it always revolve around you? I had just had my daughter sass me, tell me she wasn't doing what I said, and storm out of the house....on top of all that, before he got home. So, I was trying to maintain my cool and refocus.
Then I get blamed for his ill behaviour. Over and over again. I am really tired of being blamed for his issues. Lord I am so tired of that crap. So tired. Lord, remember my deal to you...you only have one more week for me to be able to see a difference in him...and a couple after that to make it work. I refuse to wait around any longer...I have spent over a decade on this...
Thankful for today 7/26/12
Thank you Lord for helping me finish my first year of Charis Bible College. Thank you for your wisdom! Thank you for the call you have for all of us!
Thank you for clean running water...electricity...toilet paper...and baby wipes.
Thank you for clean running water...electricity...toilet paper...and baby wipes.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Pray for Me
I have had quite a few things thrown on me. Pray for me. That I will follow the Holy Spirit's leading. Being put last and being married to someone who is self centered is harder than anyone can imagine if you are not married to someone like that.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
We had been looking to get a great dane for a pet. Why, now I do not know. The urge just hit us and stayed for a while. We ended up adopting this 15 month old female. The previous owners did not train her at all, which we did not know that when we adopted her. I am finding it particularly difficult to train the dog during my day to day life. And I did not want a dog I had to completely train, either. I have kids and do a lot around here and do not have the time or patience for that.
The dog's main issue is her suddenly getting hyper and running over my youngest child and jumping up on and biting my oldest child and me. If you move to pop her or get her down she will bite that limb, too. So you are stuck with a huge dog trying to use you as a chew toy. It has scared me sometimes, to be honest. She can be very sweet and loving. But then wham...out of the blue, she is spastic and goes crazy. She is also very shy around a lot of things, like she has never been socialized at all. Not sure what we are going to do about her.
I do not feel comfortable being alone, without my husband with us, in the back yard with her. Everytime I am she ends up going nuts on me and/or my kids. I just can't have that...I am the stay at home mom, here all day. She is pretty...but that is not enough to keep a dog for.
The dog's main issue is her suddenly getting hyper and running over my youngest child and jumping up on and biting my oldest child and me. If you move to pop her or get her down she will bite that limb, too. So you are stuck with a huge dog trying to use you as a chew toy. It has scared me sometimes, to be honest. She can be very sweet and loving. But then wham...out of the blue, she is spastic and goes crazy. She is also very shy around a lot of things, like she has never been socialized at all. Not sure what we are going to do about her.
I do not feel comfortable being alone, without my husband with us, in the back yard with her. Everytime I am she ends up going nuts on me and/or my kids. I just can't have that...I am the stay at home mom, here all day. She is pretty...but that is not enough to keep a dog for.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Advantage II (2) flea control review
I used to work in a vet's office years ago and my vet used Advantage flea control. I was terribly disappointed with the company, Bayer, decided to stop making our long time trusted flea remedy (over 16 years we have used it without fail!) Advantage. So my only alternative was to use the new Advantage II because Frontline did not work here when I tried it a few years ago.
I am basing this review on two consecutive treatments of the product on our pets....2 dogs (one 60 pound dog and one 10 pound dog) and one 20 year old cat that is 5 pounds. We did not get any compensation for our review.
With all that said I will go into how we had been applying Advantage for years without fail! We never had fleas on any of our pets...and we had plenty of pets and lived in the hot southern United States. So, it is flea season on...lol. I was taught by my veterinarian how to dose the Advantage by using a particular amount of the medicine for the weight of the animal. You can do this with Revolution I have since learned, too. Where you take the largest tube available, the 100 plus dog tube, and divide that up to treat smaller animals. It works and saves you a lot of money. We did this for 16 years and never had an issue. We also did not have to reapply every month...but usually it would last over a month...sometimes even two months on our pets! It really did the trick. So, I decided to dose my pets using the same method with Advantage II /2, at first.
I dosed my pets using the method I just mentioned. It did not work well. They still had fleas. Even after a week, they still had fleas. They did not have a ton of fleas, to begin with. It was not a heavy infestation. So, this product should have worked. I applied it the proper areas on the pets. I applied plenty of the fluid. And yet they still had some fleas. Not a lot of fleas left...but fleas. We do not have carpet at all in our home to harbour fleas or their eggs. But having any on the animals means... no dogs in the living room. So my daughter's new dog that she got from the pound, a little dachshund, can not come and sleep with her because it still has fleas! She can't bring it in the living room and play with it because it had fleas still. Thanks Bayer. I called Bayer and they reassured me that the amount of the main ingredient is still the same and that they only added a new chemical to do something else. Well, I told the guy, who was not friendly, that it did not work at all as well as the old product. He didn't seem to care. Did not offer any help nor even want the information from the tube about the product. Great customer service.
So, my mom gave me 2 tubes to pay me back for the old Advantage I had given her. Wish I had kept it now. So, I put the one tube of large dog on the 60 pound and the ten pound dogs. I then took the large cat tube, 9 pounds and up, and put on my 5 pound cat. And you know what. They still had fleas. It did not work. They still have fleas. We thought they had gotten rid of them. At first it seemed to work. We didn't check them thoroughly enough, I guess. Because when my mom had let the dogs in while we were away for a day, we somehow got fleas in our home. We have hard wood floors and yet have had to battle a mild flea infestation for over a month because of this crappy product, Advantage II /2. It does not work. My animals did not even try to run from you when you go to put it on them! Usually all of them will try to get away...they do not like the chemicals. But with the new Advantage II /2 they don't care...hmm...why? Maybe because it does not work...has no effective ingredients in it?
So, I got out my last tube of Advantage original for large dogs and broke it open. I put it on my cat and 2 dogs and guess what? No fleas. Not a single one. Well, actually one...dead.
My mom recently bought another quality Bayer product, K-9 Advantix and put it on her 3 dogs. She used one tube for dog. And guess what? Still has fleas. They scratch like crazy. Did nothing to them. What gives?
It pains me because I do not want to put different chemicals on my 20 year old cat. She has been through so much already this year. She went through a trauma when a new cat (now gone cat) gave her herpes and a bacterial infection from wheat litter hit then too. She almost died. She got an eye ulcer and all she wants to do is be with us. So, it is really cruddy to deny my 20 year old cat access to our couch at night to get loving because Bayer can not sell consumers a product that actually works properly. It is total b.s.
I am basing this review on two consecutive treatments of the product on our pets....2 dogs (one 60 pound dog and one 10 pound dog) and one 20 year old cat that is 5 pounds. We did not get any compensation for our review.
With all that said I will go into how we had been applying Advantage for years without fail! We never had fleas on any of our pets...and we had plenty of pets and lived in the hot southern United States. So, it is flea season on...lol. I was taught by my veterinarian how to dose the Advantage by using a particular amount of the medicine for the weight of the animal. You can do this with Revolution I have since learned, too. Where you take the largest tube available, the 100 plus dog tube, and divide that up to treat smaller animals. It works and saves you a lot of money. We did this for 16 years and never had an issue. We also did not have to reapply every month...but usually it would last over a month...sometimes even two months on our pets! It really did the trick. So, I decided to dose my pets using the same method with Advantage II /2, at first.
I dosed my pets using the method I just mentioned. It did not work well. They still had fleas. Even after a week, they still had fleas. They did not have a ton of fleas, to begin with. It was not a heavy infestation. So, this product should have worked. I applied it the proper areas on the pets. I applied plenty of the fluid. And yet they still had some fleas. Not a lot of fleas left...but fleas. We do not have carpet at all in our home to harbour fleas or their eggs. But having any on the animals means... no dogs in the living room. So my daughter's new dog that she got from the pound, a little dachshund, can not come and sleep with her because it still has fleas! She can't bring it in the living room and play with it because it had fleas still. Thanks Bayer. I called Bayer and they reassured me that the amount of the main ingredient is still the same and that they only added a new chemical to do something else. Well, I told the guy, who was not friendly, that it did not work at all as well as the old product. He didn't seem to care. Did not offer any help nor even want the information from the tube about the product. Great customer service.
So, my mom gave me 2 tubes to pay me back for the old Advantage I had given her. Wish I had kept it now. So, I put the one tube of large dog on the 60 pound and the ten pound dogs. I then took the large cat tube, 9 pounds and up, and put on my 5 pound cat. And you know what. They still had fleas. It did not work. They still have fleas. We thought they had gotten rid of them. At first it seemed to work. We didn't check them thoroughly enough, I guess. Because when my mom had let the dogs in while we were away for a day, we somehow got fleas in our home. We have hard wood floors and yet have had to battle a mild flea infestation for over a month because of this crappy product, Advantage II /2. It does not work. My animals did not even try to run from you when you go to put it on them! Usually all of them will try to get away...they do not like the chemicals. But with the new Advantage II /2 they don't care...hmm...why? Maybe because it does not work...has no effective ingredients in it?
So, I got out my last tube of Advantage original for large dogs and broke it open. I put it on my cat and 2 dogs and guess what? No fleas. Not a single one. Well, actually one...dead.
My mom recently bought another quality Bayer product, K-9 Advantix and put it on her 3 dogs. She used one tube for dog. And guess what? Still has fleas. They scratch like crazy. Did nothing to them. What gives?
It pains me because I do not want to put different chemicals on my 20 year old cat. She has been through so much already this year. She went through a trauma when a new cat (now gone cat) gave her herpes and a bacterial infection from wheat litter hit then too. She almost died. She got an eye ulcer and all she wants to do is be with us. So, it is really cruddy to deny my 20 year old cat access to our couch at night to get loving because Bayer can not sell consumers a product that actually works properly. It is total b.s.
advantage 2,
advantage II,
flea control,
Monday, June 24, 2013
We are contemplating getting a Great Dane puppy, full bred. We are also contemplating getting a used cuddy cabin boat. I think that would be a lot of fun...both or either of the two. As it stands it would be savings that paid for the puppy. And depending on what we believe God for, it would be partially financed for the used boat. But I really hope we could get that with cash too...Lord willing. Then we would not need a pool...the river would be our pool. Tool around looking at the leaves...during autumn...nice. Lord willing. Just show us what you want us to do with our finances Lord. We have no issues dropping these ideas like hot cakes if you want us to. Us humans are fickle anyhow...lol.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
They use aborted babies' cells in making flavorings for food!
Aborted Baby Cells used by Senomyx to make flavorings for processed foods!
Read the article. You can say that if people would just go back to the foods that God made, the basics, we would not have this issue.
But what kind of twisted demonic thought processes came up with, "Hey why not use an internal organ from a dead baby to make a new flavor?" How do you even allow the thoughts of using dead HUMAN BEINGS as part of your process to make food enhancers!???!!! What in God's name is wrong with these people?! Are they so far gone from God that they have no respect of life!?!
So, if you eat processed foods now, in a way, you are saying abortion is ok. You are going against God's best if you eat the processed foods that is for sure. But now, on top of that, you are allowing these monsters to take God's precious gifts to us, children, and use these dead children to make 'new' flavors! What God made in the garden is not good enough for you?! You just need a little sprinkling of cannibalism for your crap food to taste better?! Sick and twisted people. Just sick and twisted.
Read the article. You can say that if people would just go back to the foods that God made, the basics, we would not have this issue.
But what kind of twisted demonic thought processes came up with, "Hey why not use an internal organ from a dead baby to make a new flavor?" How do you even allow the thoughts of using dead HUMAN BEINGS as part of your process to make food enhancers!???!!! What in God's name is wrong with these people?! Are they so far gone from God that they have no respect of life!?!
So, if you eat processed foods now, in a way, you are saying abortion is ok. You are going against God's best if you eat the processed foods that is for sure. But now, on top of that, you are allowing these monsters to take God's precious gifts to us, children, and use these dead children to make 'new' flavors! What God made in the garden is not good enough for you?! You just need a little sprinkling of cannibalism for your crap food to taste better?! Sick and twisted people. Just sick and twisted.
aborted children,
processed foods,
Thursday, March 21, 2013
I am blessed
I got to see Charlie Daniels perform at the Grand Ole Opry months before the Opry was flooded and it had to be rebuilt. That was a couple of years ago. Then Christmas Eve we got to see An Irish Christmas with the Getty's. Ricky Skaggs came and performed with them. It was amazing. I was crying...the music was so beautiful and uplifting to God!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
I figured it out
One of my sister's in Christ had had a miscarriage that same day, and that is why I was picking up on some really weird feelings that were not originating with me. She is doing much better and is at peace now. Which is a real blessing!
We have been doing well here, as well! God is showing me how to be more respectful day by day. I am making progress and am so thankful for my husband still loving me and giving me time to change and being patient with me. I am very thankful he is still with me. He is a kind man at heart, he really is.
Today I am making bread and going to my first dental appointment in years. I do not particularly like going to the dentist. I am going to have to pray about it. I do not want them to do the pokey at my gums thing. I hope no one tries to bully me in to it. I just wanted a teeth cleaning. I quit smoking over 4 years ago and thought getting that junk off of my teeth would be nice. Pray for me, because I am a little nervous but I know that God will protect me and give me a way out if things get tough. Praise God!
We have been doing well here, as well! God is showing me how to be more respectful day by day. I am making progress and am so thankful for my husband still loving me and giving me time to change and being patient with me. I am very thankful he is still with me. He is a kind man at heart, he really is.
Today I am making bread and going to my first dental appointment in years. I do not particularly like going to the dentist. I am going to have to pray about it. I do not want them to do the pokey at my gums thing. I hope no one tries to bully me in to it. I just wanted a teeth cleaning. I quit smoking over 4 years ago and thought getting that junk off of my teeth would be nice. Pray for me, because I am a little nervous but I know that God will protect me and give me a way out if things get tough. Praise God!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
What is up with me today?!
I know no one really reads this things, so this isn't to any one really, just myself. But what was up with me today?! I don't know if it was supernatural, or the barometric pressures changes because of the storm fronts or what! But I was wishy washy, sensitive, and jumpy. I felt at peace some times but when I did not feel at peace I had a hard time pinpointing why that was. I guess next time I should really pray in tongues about it. But I did not do it today. Next time I hope to remember to do that. It was weird. I didn't really like it at all. Remembering God's promises and what He likes from us is helpful, too!.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Thankfulness (is good for everyday but especially Thursday...lol)
I am starting a Thankful Thursday post to showcase the importance of us being thankful and especially thankful to God.
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. Psalm 28:7
Feel free to post and add what you are thankful for...or even a link to your blog which says what you are thankful for.
Lord I am thankful for your provision. I am thankful for your showing me what I need to do to change and be a better mom and wife. Thank you Lord for showing me my issues. Thank you Lord for showing me your truths in your word. Thank you for letting us be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Thank you for giving us your spirit! Thank you for my healthy family. Thank you for my relationship with you through Christ Jesus. Thank you for giving me opportunities to help others and to be able to share the truth of God's grace and love and healing with others. Thank you for giving us peace and letting us be able to reside in the shelter of your wings oh Lord. Thank you for your loving kindness and long suffering. Thank you for teaching me all that I need to know Lord. I am thankful I hear the voice of my God and not the world's god. I am thankful for being able to share with others. Thank you God for helping me to open up and be more sharing. I am thankful for forgiveness from God and for forgiving others. I am thankful for my friends, even if they live far off. I am thankful for my life and all of my worldly possessions. I am thankful for God showing me what His will is for my life. I am thankful for my daughter and my son and my husband. I am thankful for my mom and my Christian family. I am thankful for the persecution I received from that pastor. I am thankful for Andrew Wommack being used by God to share the truth! I am so thankful for God changing my heart and for changing my husband's heart and making our marriage a Godly marriage and a blessing to our family. I am thankful for God giving us all the tools we need to be successful and in authority in this world. I love you God! Thank you for all you have done for me! You are so giving and forgiving!
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. Psalm 28:7
Feel free to post and add what you are thankful for...or even a link to your blog which says what you are thankful for.
Lord I am thankful for your provision. I am thankful for your showing me what I need to do to change and be a better mom and wife. Thank you Lord for showing me my issues. Thank you Lord for showing me your truths in your word. Thank you for letting us be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Thank you for giving us your spirit! Thank you for my healthy family. Thank you for my relationship with you through Christ Jesus. Thank you for giving me opportunities to help others and to be able to share the truth of God's grace and love and healing with others. Thank you for giving us peace and letting us be able to reside in the shelter of your wings oh Lord. Thank you for your loving kindness and long suffering. Thank you for teaching me all that I need to know Lord. I am thankful I hear the voice of my God and not the world's god. I am thankful for being able to share with others. Thank you God for helping me to open up and be more sharing. I am thankful for forgiveness from God and for forgiving others. I am thankful for my friends, even if they live far off. I am thankful for my life and all of my worldly possessions. I am thankful for God showing me what His will is for my life. I am thankful for my daughter and my son and my husband. I am thankful for my mom and my Christian family. I am thankful for the persecution I received from that pastor. I am thankful for Andrew Wommack being used by God to share the truth! I am so thankful for God changing my heart and for changing my husband's heart and making our marriage a Godly marriage and a blessing to our family. I am thankful for God giving us all the tools we need to be successful and in authority in this world. I love you God! Thank you for all you have done for me! You are so giving and forgiving!
6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:
7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Colossians 2:6-8
Friday, January 11, 2013
Blessings God Provided
I wanted to blog about some of the material blessings God has given us. Today He gave me some good deals on bakeware.
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This was only $6.88. It had been 23 dollars originally. |
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I can use it to make small loaves to give to people. |
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This was only 11 dollars. It was originally 37 dollars. |
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I like that the large pan is deeper than the standard glass dishes I normally bake in. |
I am a little unsure about the mini loaves pan because it says oven safe to 375 when I usually bake bread at 425. I am not sure about that. I may return or regift it. Can I just bake the bread at a lower temp? How do you do the Fahrenheit symbol on the computer? Questions, questions....

We have also gotten two deep freezers, at different times, each for 75 dollars. One was an upright that needed a little cleaning and a little touch up paint. And one was commercial chest freezer. Great deals that God provides when you trust on Him!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
I am very thankful for the attitude of wanting to provide that my husband has. He works hard at his job for us. I am very thankful for that about him. That being said. I am praying that he will seek help from God for his anger. He is not physically abusive or anything like that. The anger takes a toll on the family nonetheless. It spreads and is not edifying in any way.
My dad was very angry. If he did not have his marijuana he was really mean. If he did not have marijuana he would drink sometimes and he would always be mean when he drank. He would wake up angry all the time, too. So, weekends were never something to look forward to. He would yell at you to start cleaning before you were even out of bed. My dad was verbally abusive and not nice to my mom either. So, I do not do well with angry men. I do not like being, or living with angry people.
I am very mellow and happy, for the most part. I do get angry every now and then. It is usually when I have asked someone to quit doing something that hurts my feelings and they keep doing it to me. But my husband seems to have anger as his standard emotion to go to. I let him know tonight how that is not something I enjoy. I told him if he loved me he would put an end to acting this way, like my dad, so I can have some peace. 30+ years of angry men is enough for me. If things do not change soon, then I will have to make a change. I do not want my children growing up with this kind of environment any longer. I grew up with it and only wanted men that treated me poorly on a certain level. The ones that were golden I ended up not staying with. And that is not right. I want my daughter to be treated like a princess and her husband to be her prince. I want her to be adored and honored. I want her to respect and submit to him. I want it to be Godly. I want God to pick her husband.
Well, I have to go put my son to bed. I would like to write more...maybe later.
My dad was very angry. If he did not have his marijuana he was really mean. If he did not have marijuana he would drink sometimes and he would always be mean when he drank. He would wake up angry all the time, too. So, weekends were never something to look forward to. He would yell at you to start cleaning before you were even out of bed. My dad was verbally abusive and not nice to my mom either. So, I do not do well with angry men. I do not like being, or living with angry people.
I am very mellow and happy, for the most part. I do get angry every now and then. It is usually when I have asked someone to quit doing something that hurts my feelings and they keep doing it to me. But my husband seems to have anger as his standard emotion to go to. I let him know tonight how that is not something I enjoy. I told him if he loved me he would put an end to acting this way, like my dad, so I can have some peace. 30+ years of angry men is enough for me. If things do not change soon, then I will have to make a change. I do not want my children growing up with this kind of environment any longer. I grew up with it and only wanted men that treated me poorly on a certain level. The ones that were golden I ended up not staying with. And that is not right. I want my daughter to be treated like a princess and her husband to be her prince. I want her to be adored and honored. I want her to respect and submit to him. I want it to be Godly. I want God to pick her husband.
Well, I have to go put my son to bed. I would like to write more...maybe later.
cycle of abuse,
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